Dr Ray Sheuy

Founder of Strategic Safety Solutions
Dr Ray Shuey
PhD, APM, R.R.S.P., B.A (Police Studies), Dip.
Crim., Dip. Govt. Investigations. FAIM., FIPAAV.
Ray has focused his strategic management and planning skills to bring about positive, sustainable, organisational and community cultural change providing practical, realistic and cost effective solutions to critical issues. He is a former Assistant Commissioner of Police in Victoria having held that position for fourteen years until July 2003. Overall, he has had 41 years of experience in
law enforcement.
Ray is a specialist in international road safety, road policing and strategic risk management.
He has 41 years policing experience and is a former Assistant Commissioner and acting Deputy Commissioner for Victoria Police. During his police career, he has had broad experience as a senior executive in strategic management including traffic law enforcement, training, the effective use of technology, risk management and the effective use of data systems and targeted road safety profiling.
Ray focuses his strategic management and planning skills to bring about positive, sustainable, organisational and community cultural change providing practical, realistic and cost effective solutions to critical issues. He was project leader in 1994 for the internationally recognised and nationally acclaimed "Project Beacon", an operational safety, cultural change management program for Victoria Police. In 2000, he was joint operations commander for the World Economic Forum in Melbourne, Australia. He has previous military training and active service in a War Zone.
As an international road safety specialist since 2003, he has undertaken road safety capacity reviews in Cambodia, Indonesia, Ethiopia and Yemen. He has developed capacity building programs and road safety strategic plans for police enforcement and road safety authorities in Asia, China and the Middle East as well as facilitated workshops, training and "train the trainer" programs in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and Malaysia.
He is the principle author to the World Health Organisations’ publication "Drinking and Driving – A road Safety Manual for Decision-Makers and Practitioners" and a contributing author to other WHO good practice manuals on "Speed Management", "Helmet Wearing" and "Data Management Systems".
Risk management reviews have been undertaken in many Australian Government and Local Government Agencies with a strong focus on operational safety and achieving organizational cultural change. International Safety Reviews have been undertaken in New Zealand (Review of Police Operational Safety), Ireland (Review of the Procedures and Practices of An Garda Siochana) and Cambodia (Strategic Review for the Collection, Safe Handling and Disposal of unexploded audiments.
Ray is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management, a Fellow of the Institute of Public Administration Australia. A Senior Associate of the Australian Road Research Board and a Registered Road Safety Professional with the Australian College of Road Safety being recognized by this college as an expert in Traffic Law Enforcement and Road Safety Education. He is a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police and a member of the International Police Association and the Victorian Director of the Pedestrian Council of Australia.
Ray is a Doctor of Philosophy with a Bachelor of Arts, Police Studies, Diploma of Government Investigations, Diploma of Criminology, Diploma of Police Studies, Certificate 1V in Workplace Training and Assessment and an Investigator’s Licence. He undertook his research in traffic law enforcement internationally in ten low to middle-income countries producing the International Road Policing Assessment Program (IRPAP) - a star-rating traffic policing assessment program.
Ray has outstanding consultation and training skills in operational safety, law enforcement, risk management and road safety. He understands the issues required to achieve practical solutions
Over the years, Ray Shuey, the founder of Strategic Safety Solutions has achieved a number of prestigious awards in recognition of various achievements and contributions to improving safety and training both nationally and internationally.

Please feel free to peruse these acknowledging the quality of our training and presentations

Certificate from the
Victoria Police

Presentation for
Outstanding Service

Ministerial Council

Presentation from the
Egyptian Federation of

Presentation from
Dubai Police

Honored with title of
Senior Advisor to
Liaoning Police
University,China 1996

Award Recognition from
Charleston Police USA

Presentation from the
Egyptian Police Service

Presentation from
Hong Kong Police

Presentation from
Netherlands Police

Presentations World Road Safety
Network, International Benchmarking
and China

Presentations from
various countries