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International Services
Road Administration & Safety Systems

Strategic Safety Solutions Pty Ltd associates are experienced in the planning, design, development and implementation of road administration and safety systems. These systems provide essential information and tools to enable effective road safety programs and protect government revenues whilst improving road administration services to the public. Road crash information systems enable road safety programs to be founded on data-led analysis and decision making, ensuring that road safety strategies and action plans are optimized in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. The systems also provide an objective means of evaluating road safety programs, whether they be at local, provincial or national level. Modern road crash information systems provide on-line access for all stakeholders and tailored analysis tools to plan and measure specific programs such as enforcement, infrastructure and education, as well as providing a “single point of truth” for all road crash information. The quality of road crash data is also a benefit of such systems through the use of standard data collection forms, training of crash investigators and validation of field data. Road administration systems are essential to the proper and effective regulation of road users and vehicles and supporting road safety strategies and programs. Without an effective system, compliance with driver licensing regulations and sanctions on drivers and vehicles is difficult to manage and significant government revenue can be forgone. Modern systems provide the capacity for multiple stakeholders to access and utilize information, allowing them to more effectively plan and undertake their own activities. Drivers and vehicle owners are also beneficiaries of modern road administration systems; licensing agencies can transact with them more efficiently and without requiring attendance at a particular office, they can receive renewal and reminder notices, and they are less inconvenienced by enforcement activities. Strategic Safety Solutions Pty Ltd associates have led the development of these systems, utilizing their experience with mature developed country systems to plan, design and implement systems that meet the legislated requirements of developing countries and their needs and capacity to undertake road administration and road safety programs and activities.

Reference programs: Road administration systems have been developed for Fiji, Samoa and Lao PDR and road safety systems in Samoa and Vietnam.

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