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International Services
Road Safety Action Plans

Strategic Safety Solutions Pty Ltd associates are experienced in the planning, design, development and implementation of road safety action plans. Such plans are often undertaken as components of larger international development assistance programs and seek to address priority road safety needs in a number of sectors, often including road safety stewardship. The manner in which such plans are undertaken can compromise their effectiveness, typically if they are a relatively minor program component and they do not have specific or dedicated project management resourcing. In particular, plans that seek to establish road safety stewardship, such as a Road Safety Council require such a resource to engage with decision makers and influencers, work through organizational, funding and operational options and shape the preferred arrangements, and support the implementation and initial operation. Also, these plans often involve an international specialist to plan and implement a program of initiatives at component-level. For example, traffic law enforcement, road black-spot mitigation, child road safety education and road safety publicity and promotion. Strategic Safety Solutions Pty Ltd associates have project managed such plans and have led the planning and implementation of individual components, with an emphasis on ensuring that their knowledge and expertise is effectively transferred to local counterparts and into the local context.

Reference programs: Fiji Road Safety Action Plan (reference: Road Safety Guidelines for the Asian and Pacific Region, Appendix C, Comparative Study: Fiji Road Safety Action Plan, Asian Development Bank, June 2003), as well as projects in Samoa, Indonesia and Kerala, India

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